My first Flex application…

…read the Sitepoint’s Flex articles and at the end of it, I was given a free eBook,Getting Started with Flex 3, after attempting the quiz.

Usually, programming books use simple coding like helloworld, as their first tutorial… This book, however, uses a more attractive example as the first tutorial… Furthermore, the book is quite enjoyable and easy to understand… The first example used in this book is a simple application that teaches you some methods to manipulate images…

After going through and trying the codes… I tried to re-code it myself with some understandings.. and this is what I get… It is almost the same as the one in the book…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Flex is fun and easy… but really need some reference books to understand the usage of the tags…

Exploring Flex…

Although I came across Flex/Apollo like 2 years ago, I have not actually touch on it.. Well… maybe I should say, I did not know how or where to start with…. until few weeks ago… I read some articles on Flex and Flex Builder 3… then I decided to give it a try… It is fun and amazing… however, there are alot of tags resides in the language and I am not sure of how to use them… I am just wondering if there are any free reference guides around for Flex 3 which I can make use of…

VBScript: Open Folder Window Dialog…

… problem with batch files is they do not have any graphical user interface… so if you need to insert some input like, location of folders, it is very troublesome… open explorer and find the folders, copy the location and paste it in the command prompt… so to simplify the methods… we can add GUI in the batch files…

Const myComputer = &H11&

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(myComputer)
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
strPath = objFolderItem.Path

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, WScript.Arguments.Item(0), 0, strPath)   

If objFolder Is Nothing Then    
End If

Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
objPath = objFolderItem.Path

Wscript.Echo objPath

Looping in folders, running the tool….

… was given a tool, xmlviewer, for the linguists to view and check the XML Help files. This tool, however, can only view a XML file each time… So to check the files, we have to open one file at a time… and the worst scenario is… given a set of 200 over XML files that are stored separately in sub-folders of the main one… Open a file at a time will take ages to complete… not including to search for the files in the sub-folders… and if you forget where you have stopped.. you have to start all over again…

…Therefore, I decide to create a batch file to loop all the folders and run tool everytime they found xml files..

FOR /F "usebackq delims= " %%i IN (`dir *.xml /B /S`) DO xmlviewer.exe %%~i

The batch file will loop through the folders and open the xml files one at a time… Once you close the XML file you are viewing… It will open the next XML file.. this will carry on until all XML files are viewed…

Looking at the code, the keywords,

useback>q specifies that the codes in the backquote is executed as a command… and…
delims=xxx specifies the delimiter set.